What I’m doing now


Here you can stay up-to-date with exactly what I'm up to at this point in my life.


🔭 Job seeking

  • Yep, I’m out in the market! I’d be happy to join a company or an exciting project as a Project Manager, a Customer Success Manager or a Digital Strategist. → Head over to LinkedIn to see my CV.

🏋️‍♀️ CrossFit

  • I joined CrossFit Glasshouse, a gym in Újbuda famous for its tight-knit community of fitness lovers and trainers. And the fable was correct; the Glasshouse shortly became my happy place where I work out three times a week.

🏺 Travels

  • I visited Athens, Greece, for a two-week solo trip; it was everything I needed to fill my cup. Undeniably noisy and chaotic, the city - its architecture, culture and people - still cradled me around like no other before.



This is a "now page", and you should make one too.


Last updated on 10 July 2023 from Budapest