This single mindset shift helped me become a better digital consultant

by Gyöngyvér Szabó I

The first few jobs I did for clients were small, with a clear scope that usually centred around building a digital asset that did not exist before. I built websites and eCommerce stores in Shopify, Squarespace and Shoprenter. I wrote a volume of creative texts or SEO-d or set up complicated Google Sheets to turn data into information my client could use for business planning.

But we never only engaged in that single task. We had long, strategic discussions where we looked at the bigger picture and weighted options so my clients could put other ideas in motion.

While bite-sized projects are easier to sell and to complete, offering a longer, more extensive journey to my clients benefitted me greatly.

So I widened my consultations and offered extra value to my clients through strategising. As an outcome, I saw them internalising that every aspect of their digital business ties together and have to work together. Their online shop, chosen social platform, and e-mail newsletter are not isolated entities; they’re all part of the engine that drives change for their customers. They started to extend their thinking, too.

When you’re marketing change, you’re offering a new emotional state, a step closer to the dreams and desires of your customers.

- Seth Godin in This is Marketing

The idea is that with every platform you’re visible on and with every tactic you apply to get in touch with your audience, you should point towards That One Big Change your business offers.


snippets. short essays about the ins and outs of creating and delivering value digitally.

Gyongyver Szabo