3 Ways to make your customers shine 💎 on their journey with you

by Gyöngyvér Szabó I plantconfident.com

This piece is about a customer-first approach but with a twist. Brands who create their businesses around their customers and do what's important to them adopt a customer-first perspective. It's an entire business mindset that fosters a positive customer experience at every customer journey stage.

In today's attention economy, small businesses are left with no other option than to adopt a customer-first point of view if they don't want to lose business. It's an incredibly complex task.

Yet, I think it all boils down to one thing: going after the customer's satisfaction. That's in the centre of the puzzle.

I hope that by now, everyone has seen the meme that goes around with the images of Ozzy Osbourne and Prince Charles next to each other. Below both, there's the same list: "Male, Born in 1948, Raised in the UK, Married twice, Two children, Lives in a castle". Traditional, persona-based marketing would tell you that those two people would be interested in buying the same things.

Instead of targeting the demography of your customers and advertising stage makeup to Prince Charles and grey dinner jackets to Ozzy Osbourne, you need to go deeper to find a sweet spot where your customer feels spoken to.

You need to target your customers through their life experiences, like this:

  • Speak to their current state of life. People are transitioning through their life, all the time. They are between jobs, changing their career, leaving a relationship, building a house, etc. And these changes happen more or less in the same part of life.

  • Offer a solution to their problems. Most likely, living in a castle doesn't present a problem to Charles or Ozzy; it's a problem for their staff to solve. That's where demographics are useless in reflecting people's problems right.

  • Help them through the challenges they're facing. We accumulate life experience through tackling challenges and by the simple fact of time passing. If you make your customers get the transformation they want in their lives with the help of your product, that's when they can shine.


snippets. short essays about the ins and outs of creating and delivering value digitally.

Gyongyver Szabo