Why do small businesses need internal processes to reach productivity and growth targets?

by Gyöngyvér Szabó I plantconfident.com

From time to time, I have clients come to me without having internal processes that support them in reaching their productivity and growth targets. I don't mean internal controls for assuring the accuracy of financial and accounting data and preventing fraud. I mean the creative, productive processes needed to produce and deliver value to customers. The blueprint of the company's mental gymnastics. The guide that people working with the company follow to do their job, aligned with its purpose and values.

Do you have them covered?

In my experience, if there is no such procedural guidance in place, the problem is three-faceted. I either see a business owner in the position of control who wants to control their people's productivity ways by not offering them flexibility. Or, I see a lack of clarity in the business or the product's value proposition (what do they sell, to whom, how). Or, the value delivery depends on and is controlled by an outside force (i.e. a client or the law). In the lack of a solid value delivery process, the company is in chaos.

Why are process blueprints essential?

Because they create a shared understanding through the company by offering a source of shared truth, when followed, they give team members the opportunity and the space to control what they can within the borders of their own creative and productive genius. They're for guidance, to surge a constructive forward motion. Process blueprints exist for the people, not for the company.

How to find a way through the maze in 3 turns?

When you set up your internal guidelines and processes of working, think of these three prompts:

  1. Processes serve as a source of truth among the people working with an organisation and forge a common understanding.

  2. Processes are great fundaments to accommodate the company's internal rhythm and the re-occurring courses of action in the organisation.

  3. Processes designate forward motion, which is a fundamental need for people to be highly productive.


snippets. short essays about the ins and outs of creating and delivering value digitally.

Gyongyver Szabo