Authenticity strategies defining the years to come in digital business

by Gyöngyvér Szabó I

Authenticity has been a marketing trend with us for years, and it’s probably not going anywhere soon. Here are two strategies that I see getting traction in the small-scale digital business sphere.

Lead by Intention

According to Forbes online, standing for something beyond profit is a continuous inner reflection and commitment to building brand authenticity.

This continuous process can also be finding the right internal (operating) rhythm that works around tracking commitments and reflecting on them. However, a well-paced operating cadence is not something to build marketing messages around. Instead, brands highlight how intentional they are in these areas and act in alignment with their values.

Intention is a skill that any entrepreneur can develop as a pillar of their operation and ultimately turn into a communication message to promote conscious and purposeful business models.

Growing Slowly

It seemed inevitable that trends like #slowgrowth will start to populate as we release the economic stress of the global pandemic. At the time of consolidation in our healthcare systems, finance and policy, entrepreneurs began to settle in consolidation mode.

Now is the time to get resourceful in promoting more meaningful, slower-paced growth strategies that build upon working smarter, creating atomic habits without expecting a unicorn-style rise.

Growing slower is a message easy to trust. Slow and steady wins the race; we all know that off-book. To deliver business outcomes while keeping it nice and in a due measure is a strategy that’ll gain rapid influence in the years to come.

To take away

Customers and business partners want to be sure they can trust you. They want to see if you stand for what they stand for - that’s alignment in authenticity.

Businesses can not go wrong by including their intentions into their communications and promoting slower, sustainable growth strategies.


snippets. short essays about the ins and outs of creating and delivering value digitally.

Gyongyver Szabo