Improving these 5 skills will slide 🛷 me through 2022

by Gyöngyvér Szabó I

December knocked in, and I cannot help but work on plans for the following year. For me, this is the month of gradually slowing down, reflecting and laying out intentions for the future. I just finished my List Of Skills I Want To Hone to continue building my expertise in my business and life throughout 2022.

Here is my list of areas for growth:

Digital Writing

As we speak, through this short essay, I'm working on writing better on the internet. As a professional consultant, I have to produce volumes of writing through my work every week. All my e-mails, client roadmaps and guides, social media content, et cetera, need to be clear, consistent and done quickly.

Digital Design

I have been putting this away for some time. I always had a knack for digital design, but my skill became fragmented, and I only delivered small-scale projects for my brand since leaving architectural design. I want this to change and build solid design workflows.

Relational Intelligence

I think it's fascinating how much information we have access to in psychology and self-development today. Expanding my relational and conversational intelligence knowledge has always been a great help in working and personal relationships.

Letting Go

Letting go of things - thoughts, habits - that doesn't serve anymore is a key to my stress management. I am actively engaged in mindfulness techniques and am inspired to take this practice further for an optimal work-life balance.

Building a Second Brain

Over the years, I invested a lot of effort in knowledge management. It's part of my job, after all. Second Brain is a methodology I have been dancing around for a while: it is for preserving and activating ideas, inspirations, insights, and connections we've gained through our experience. It sounds so cool that I want to build it!


snippets. short essays about the ins and outs of creating and delivering value digitally.

Gyongyver Szabo