What to look for in working with a Digital Strategist

by Gyöngyvér Szabó I plantconfident.com

In my one-woman consultancy business, plantconfident, I work as a digital strategist. My work is to forge connections between my clients' business objectives, organisational digitalisation needs and customer journeys. It involves every area where people interact with your business, whether they're working with you or they're your customers.

Contrary to a common opinion that limits digital strategy to reaching audiences through digital means, my approach is more holistic and focuses on the digital journey inside and outside the business.

What to look for in working with a digital strategist:

  1. They should deep-learn your business and challenge you. Often, strategy is about uncovering what's not considered or seen. If they challenge your perception of the problem you want to solve to figure out the direction, that's a good sign.

  2. They're present in multiple areas across the digital value chain. Everything should be considered and checked for relevance in your collaboration, from internal processes, product development and supply chain to customer experience and measurement and analytics. Their job is to connect all the different touchpoints of digital across your business.

  3. One-size-fits-all won't do it for you. All companies are unique in digital readiness, so the solution you get offered should be tailored to your business' unique setup. My approach is to provide clients with a list of scaleable opportunities, starting with the smallest and most straightforward option and ending up with the broadest scope of we can think.

Digital strategists work closely with the founders or with the business manager in a focused manner to get a clear and detailed understanding of the challenges from a business point of view. Ideally, they have a robust generalist's knowledge of digital tools and vast knowledge of how small businesses work.


snippets. short essays about the ins and outs of creating and delivering value digitally.

Gyongyver Szabo